What can make childhood vaccines unsafe ?

Imagine your 12 to 15 month old baby; learning to talk, learning to walk, laughing and interacting with you, giving you kisses. You take your child into the pediatrician for their regular check-up and vaccinations. Children at this age now receive up to four shots at a single visit. Within four to six weeks after their check-up your child has stopped talking, stopped interacting with you – your child has developed regressive autism. Regressive autism describes children who were developing normally and then cease to develop further language and social skills. Not only do they cease to continue to develop, they lose the language and social skills they had gained in their young lives. How devastating!

Recent evaluation of autism and autism spectrum disorder demonstrates that the number of children with ‘regressive’ autism is much higher than previously published; as high as 41% of autism or autism spectrum diagnoses. But what can possibly be contained within these childhood vaccines that could make them so potentially unsafe?

The new Mumps-Measles-Rubella vaccine, "MMR II" vaccine that was introduced to the US in 1979 and then to the UK in 1988 was unique in more ways than just the measles component which was added to it.  The new MMR II vaccine contains human DNA fragments.  These DNA fragments are the result of the way in which this new vaccine was produced.  MMR II was manufactured using aborted fetal cells, i.e., human cells from an aborted fetus -- an aborted baby.

Previous vaccines were made using animal cells. The earlier versions of these newer vaccines produced using aborted fetal cells, such as MMR II, don’t even inform consumers (parents) that residual aborted fetal DNA is injected into their children with each vaccine.

More recently introduced vaccines that use aborted fetal cells do inform consumers that it contains contaminating residual DNA from the ‘human diploid cell’.  However, this technical jargon does not fully inform the consumer (parent) that a ’human diploid cell’ is actually a cell from an aborted fetus.

There are obvious numerous issues of concern here. First and foremost is the moral aspect of what has been done to produce these vaccines. Electively (voluntarily) aborted human fetuses were specifically selected and processed in order to create cell lines for vaccine production. This is documented in publicly available FDA meeting minutes.
  FDA - use of aborted human fetus in experimentation - (see from page 77 onward ).

This was not just a one time occurrence, as many would like to believe. The use of 'fresh', electively aborted fetal material and aborted fetal cell lines is pervasive in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. The public needs to be concerned with the ethics of these companies and the scientists who choose to work with them. 

Another issue of concern to us all, regardless of one’s own personal opinion about the morals of abortion, is the issue of informed consent. As a society, we are mindful of this in many areas of our lives, including our food packaging. We have the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1992 that guarantees consumers can easily discover what is in the food they purchase. For example, someone who is a vegetarian can easily see from food labeling if the product contains meat or meat by-products. Everyone agrees that they have the RIGHT TO KNOW if meat products are contained in their foods or were used in the preparation of the food they are purchasing. Yet, there is no law guaranteeing full disclosure about the use of aborted fetal cell lines to produce our vaccines, other medicines or even beauty products. There is no law requiring full disclosure about the presence of contaminating aborted fetal DNA in those drugs and vaccines.

Don’t you want to know exactly what they are injecting into our children? 


The safety of injecting our children with aborted human fetal DNA has been debated for over 40 years, but has never been properly studied. Safety concerns about injecting this 'residual' DNA from an aborted fetus into our children include:

(1) The potential for subsequent autoimmune disease.  This is triggered by a child’s immune system recognizing the contaminating DNA injected into them, and then subsequently generating antibodies to attack it. However, the child's antibodies will also attack their own body's similar DNA, treating it as it would a foreign substance and thereby creating an autoimmune reaction.

(2) The potential for the child's body to accept the foreign DNA of the aborted fetus and inserting the contaminated DNA into a child’s own genes. The FDA’s concerns about the potential for insertion of the contaminating human DNA have focused on "oncogenesis", or tumor formation. Concerns about the potential for residual contaminating DNA to insert into a child's own genome and thus disrupt the function of tumor suppressor genes have been demonstrated in the laboratory and also in humans. Contaminated DNA could cause tumors to form.

(3) The potential for inserted foreign DNA of the aborted fetus that is contained in vaccines, to ultimately lead to autism disorders for children.  It is believed that the contaminated human fetal DNA in the vaccines reaches the neurons in the brain of a young child and is taken-up into the nerve endings where it can be transported up the nerve's axon to the brain. This triggers a response that can include the symptoms of autism. Such renowned researchers as Helen Ratajczak have published their own scientific findings on the link between autism and DNA in vaccines from aborted fetuses. She concludes that the body of the child responds to the foreign DNA of the aborted fetus by triggering an inflammation reaction.  Brains cells die and the inflammation continues ongoing in the brain throughout the life of the child. This is believed to be the triggering mechanism for vaccine-related autism cases.

Gene therapy clinical trials in human children have shown us the dangers of DNA insertion into our genome. In gene (DNA) therapy clinical trials for 'X' linked SCID disease (i.e., "bubble boys"), it was shown that 4 out of 9 patients had unanticipated, inappropriate DNA insertion that disrupted a tumor suppressor gene, leading to acute lymphocytic leukemia in these boys. This affects boys in particular because the SCID disease disrupts the 'X' chromosome, of which boys only have one, while girls have two.
  DNA insertion led to leukemia in SCID patients

Other methods of producing vaccines without human DNA fragments have existed for many years and they are proven. So, there is NO good reason why the pharmaceutical industry must continue with the unsafe method of vaccine production that is based on human DNA from aborted fetuses.

Do you want a child's vaccine to contain material that could cause autism, cause autoimmune reactions and cause tumors?  Of course not.  That's why Caring For All Kids reminds you, "The more you know -- the more you care."

Isn't it time we all work together to get the word out to each other, to the news media, to the scientists, to the pharmaceutical companies -- that we want to make children's vaccines safe?

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